
Welcome, 2012!!

The new year as rolled over, and as we change out our calenders, update our files and put away our party fun, I’m sure some of us are also reflecting.

Reflecting on last year, (which was just yesterday), reflecting on this year. Many of us make resolutions, and most of us has tossed them to the side before January is even over. So I challenge you, those of you who’ve made some promise to yourself, that this year…you’ll stick to at least one resolution. I’ve made plenty of them, but I’ll consider a success if just one lasts until December 31, 2012. I know I know…life gets in the way, right?  Well you bet it does, but we can still accomplish so much, when a mind is set to it. So get to settin!

I can’t wait to see what 2012 holds for my family and I. I ask you to join us on our journey, by following along via my blog, or facebook page. Both of which I aim to keep up with more often!

In His Hands,



John 14:1-3

 1 “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. 2 In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.

What Did You Say, Honey?

The TV is on, the laptop is glowing and the earplugs are in. 

5 screens are open on any given computer.

So much information, so much distraction.

Where is the marriage? Where is the connection?

We can’t avoid media these days, but are there ways to limit this media invasion into our lives? Is there ‘good’ in media? Over at Women Living Well, Courtney is exploring that very thing. She’s encouraged her readers to do the same, and link up.

In my own home, we’ve cut our cable connection out. It’s a small step, but it’s a step. We are guilty of plugging into our separate internet worlds for hours on end.  Very brief moments of verbal communication happen, and it’s usually, “What did you say, honey?” as the attention and focus is on the next screen click, the next sound alert, not the tone and cadence of our beloved.

Is it any wonder, that miscommunications happen, that marriages ‘drift’ apart and end? Without the constant attention, nurturing and vigilance, anything can happen. You have to WORK at a successful marriage, it doesn’t just happen one day, and stay perfect forever.

Media does have the ability to bless a marriage. You can glean ideas and encouragement form others online.  How to make a home, a home. New recipes to delight the taste buds and nose. On the list goes.

In my own marriage, I have claimed the desire to focus on my home, and my husband. But my follow through? It’s a little lacking! I jump online to check emails, and 3-4 hours later I’m surfing the net, on Facebook, reading others blogs, etc. *Time management is a must here!*

My goal for this week?

Put the laptop down, focus on my home and husband. Do something everyday, with intentions for blessing both.

What goals would you set, or have you set?


P.S. Since last week, I have spend more mornings with God, than without Him. In His word, letting it bless me, teach me, grow me. I pray it continues.

Edited to add:

I’ve just taken Facebook off of my phone, and eliminated my text alerts from FB as well. Step 2 in weaning myself off of media/distractions! The first being, no cable.

Media Monday’s

Media and my Walk with God. What does that mean, and why am I blogging about it? I follow a lot a blogs and one, Woman Living Well, issued an 8 week challenge. To open ones’ eyes to social media and the impact it’s having on me in various areas of my life.

This is going to be uncomfortable for me. You’ll learn why as we go through the challenge.

So lets start with the first post, shall we?!

Courtney, from Women Living Well, asks these questions:  What is the draw to media for you?  Is it for information, wisdom, tips and tutorials, entertainment, connection or other reasons?  And what good or bad effects has it had on your walk with God?

What draws me to media is the information and connections to others, being able to interact with others and learn from them. I’m an information hog, I love learning, reading, etc. So the internet in particular is where I spend the majority of my time.

I also know that it’s a way to entertain myself, or lose myself.  After the passing of my son, I turned to the internet to escape, to grieve, to pour out my grief in a blog, to talk to others who’d gone through it, to get help.  It became a source of help, and a habit. But also a way to leave life behind.

When my Dad passed, I know I’ve used it to not deal with my grief. I still mourn him, he’s been gone only 2 short months. Unlike with my son, I can’t pour my grief out about my Dad.  So I evade my feelings, by going online, engaging others in conversations.

My walk with God? As much as I don’t want to admit this, my response it, WHAT walk with God? I haven’t opened my Bible in weeks…this was the same with my son. I’m afraid to hear God’s voice, to open myself up to Him and therefore grieve.

So for me, media is my escape from personal life, my escape from hearing God’s voice, my road block to healing and His peace.

I know this series will be difficult, but it’ll also be good. Hang in there with me!

Media Hound,
