Tag Archive | Christian

Things I’ve learned from 2011

The things I’ve learned from 2011, could also be said to have been learned from 2010. So here goes:

God is in control

I can handle a lot more than I thought…only because God is my strength

Family and true friends are priceless

Be thankful, even in grief

Sometimes, when confronted with a mirror, I’m surprised at what/who I’ve become

Having faith is an action, not a lofty thought

Life is way too short to hold grudges

Life is also too short to not forgive our ‘enemies’

All our best plans, pale in comparison to Gods perfect ones

Learning to let go takes more faith than holding on

What are somethings you’ve learned in 2011?! I’d love to know.

In His Hands,


What Did You Say, Honey?

The TV is on, the laptop is glowing and the earplugs are in. 

5 screens are open on any given computer.

So much information, so much distraction.

Where is the marriage? Where is the connection?

We can’t avoid media these days, but are there ways to limit this media invasion into our lives? Is there ‘good’ in media? Over at Women Living Well, Courtney is exploring that very thing. She’s encouraged her readers to do the same, and link up.

In my own home, we’ve cut our cable connection out. It’s a small step, but it’s a step. We are guilty of plugging into our separate internet worlds for hours on end.  Very brief moments of verbal communication happen, and it’s usually, “What did you say, honey?” as the attention and focus is on the next screen click, the next sound alert, not the tone and cadence of our beloved.

Is it any wonder, that miscommunications happen, that marriages ‘drift’ apart and end? Without the constant attention, nurturing and vigilance, anything can happen. You have to WORK at a successful marriage, it doesn’t just happen one day, and stay perfect forever.

Media does have the ability to bless a marriage. You can glean ideas and encouragement form others online.  How to make a home, a home. New recipes to delight the taste buds and nose. On the list goes.

In my own marriage, I have claimed the desire to focus on my home, and my husband. But my follow through? It’s a little lacking! I jump online to check emails, and 3-4 hours later I’m surfing the net, on Facebook, reading others blogs, etc. *Time management is a must here!*

My goal for this week?

Put the laptop down, focus on my home and husband. Do something everyday, with intentions for blessing both.

What goals would you set, or have you set?


P.S. Since last week, I have spend more mornings with God, than without Him. In His word, letting it bless me, teach me, grow me. I pray it continues.

Edited to add:

I’ve just taken Facebook off of my phone, and eliminated my text alerts from FB as well. Step 2 in weaning myself off of media/distractions! The first being, no cable.

30 Day Challenges

I’ve joined several challenges lately, and a few of them 30-Day ones. Besides the 8 week challenge over at Women Living Well, I will also be doing 3 30-Day’s from Revive Our Hearts, Husband Encouragement, Choosing Gratitude and True-Woman Make Over.  I’ve been needing inspiration for blogging as well as for getting closer with God.

So, let the journey begin.

We’ll start today with Husband Encouragement.

“The heart of her husband safely trusts her; so he will have no lack of gain. She does him good and not evil all the days of her life.” (Proverbs 31:11-12)

My husband and I have been married for just over 2 years now. An infant marriage, to be sure. But when you look past the dates n time-line, you’ll see a gem. A beautiful stone that has been through fire and melting.

Just before our 1 year anniversary, our son passes away from SIDS. The grief, torment and guilt that goes along with a loss is enough to rock any marriage and most especially a new one.  As we mourned our loss, we turned to each other, instead of away. For which I’m thankful for, everyday. I like to say we were on a fast-track to a mature marriage. We learned a lot about each other, that might take others years to learn.

As life has settled down a bit, we’ve been able to have a routine again. To enjoy time together, laugh and cuddle. This in turn, allowed us to be blessed with another son who will be coming in the Fall.

My husband is a wonderful man, a terrific father and caring soul. He’s passionate about his role as my husband, and being a father again (always).

He is my best friend, my lover, my helpmate and my partner in this life.
I tell him often that I love him, but it still wouldn’t be often enough to show how much I appreciate all he’s done for me, our family and those we care about.

What do you say about your husband? Do you praise him, to him? Does he know that you love him and desire him? Do you intentionally court your husband for his ideas, his feelings? I encourage you to do so.


P.S. Btw, in no means do I think our marriage doesn’t have room to grow and get better. It does have it’s growing pains, and misunderstandings. We’re not perfect, but we love each other and have a commitment to each other, that gets us through the tough and rough.

This post is also linked back to Time-Warp Wife.